


Dolphin was born on April 4, 2020. He came home with me on June 6, 2020. Having my own Pretzel puppy is a dream realized.

Dolphin - Puppy Pictures!

Dolphin carrying his namesake (6/5/20)
Dolphin's first bath! 6/5/20
Dolphin and I (6/5/20)
Dolphin and I on the plane, coming home from Texas
Dolphin's first day home, I think he is happy!
Dolphin instantly bonds with Pizza on his first day home
Dolphin and Pizza
Dolphin (6/9/20) 9 weeks old
Dolphin and Pizza
Dolphin (6/9/20) 9 weeks old
Dolphin - 9 weeks old
Dolphin (6/9/20) 9 weeks old
Dolphin with Pretzel
Dolphin (6/11/20) 9 weeks old
Dolphin - 9 weeks old
Dolphin (6/11/20) 9 weeks old
Dolphin and daddy
Dolphin (6/11/20)
Dolphin - 9 weeks old
Dolphin (6/11/20) and daddy Pretzel
Dolphin - 10 weeks old
Dolphin's first point!
Dolphin and Pizza
"I want to be just like you, Daddy!"